
New INVOLVE paper reviewing the evidence base for the impact of public involvement in research

Earlier this year, INVOLVE hosted an invoNET round table discussion to look at the evidence base for the impact of public involvement in research and consider how it should be developed in the future. The round table was chaired by Patricia Wilson and brought together researchers, service user researchers and service users with expertise in this area.

A report summarising the main points of the round table discussion has just been published on the INVOLVE website (click here to view or download). It includes sections on evidencing the impact, assessing the impact, capturing the evidence of impact and the future of the evidence of impact. The website also includes the biographies of each of the members of the round table and their reflections following the discussion (click here).

invoNET members area

We are currently reviewing this area of the website so have disabled it until the review is completed.

What’s the evidence for? A critical reflection on the evidence base for public involvement in research

This article, which was published in the INVOLVE Summer 2013 newsletter, presents a summary of discussions from the invoNET sponsored workshop at the INVOLVE 2012 Conference.

New invoNET report July 2013

Exploring the impact of public involvement on the quality of research: examples from invoNET members is now available to download

Final report of the invoNET sponsored INVOLVE 2012 conference workshop

Following discussions by the invoNET Task and Finish Group at the Summer 2012 INVOLVE Advisory Group meeting and symposium, a workshop was held at the INVOLVE 2012 Conference to debate the evidence base of public involvement in research as well as help inform the shape of future invoNET events and further work. The final Report of the invoNET sponsored workshop: What’s the evidence for? A critical reflection on the evidence base for public involvement in research has now been published

Evidence library information card

An A5 information card about our Evidence library is now available. If you would like copies of these or of the other cards in the series please send your name and address together with details of how many cards you would like to: Or phone us on 02380 595628.

Evidence bibliography 4

Evidence bibliography 4 contains all of the references in our online Evidence library (formally known as the invoNET library) up until October 2012, including the references from Bibliography 3 (published October 2010).

invoNET 2012: Researching public involvement in research

The sixth invoNET workshop was held on Tuesday 21 February 2012 at the King’s Fund in London. The workshop provided an opportunity for over 50 invoNET members to network and share information on developing an evidence base for public involvement in research. View presentations from the day.