
The INVOLVE vision:

A world of active public research partnerships leading to improvement of health and care for all.


The INVOLVE mission:

INVOLVE is the lead for advancement of public involvement in health and care research across NIHR and beyond. We achieve this by working with others to raise aspirations, drive up standards, provide guidance and facilitate partnerships.


The terms of reference of INVOLVE are:

  • to promote the empowerment of the public to become more involved in research

  • to develop and promote alliances with key groups, including the public, researchers, the Department of Health, and other research funders and sponsors in order to promote greater public involvement in research

  • to monitor public involvement in research in the NHS, public health and social care

  • to encourage the evaluation of the effects of public involvement in research in the fields of NHS, social care and public health

  • to report regularly to the Department of Health on progress, and make recommendations about the development of public involvement in research.