
Examples of co-producing research: First booklet has now been published 

INVOLVE recently published guidance on ‘Co-producing research’. This outlines some key principles and features involved in co-producing a research project.  The guidance was a first step in moving toward clarity about what we mean by co-producing research rather than a ‘how to’ guide. A complementary publication has now been published to help those people seeking to co-produce research in health and social care and public health, which showcases these key principles and features in action.

See the publication here.

You can play our webinar below, or you can download it here.

Co-production is a term increasingly ‘claimed’ by researchers and research funders. However its application in health and social care research varies, revealing a lack of consensus around the concept. Some argue that co-production in research is just ‘really good PPI’.  For others it is very different; a much more deliberative process which requires public members and ‘professionals’ to be involved on an equal footing throughout every stage of the design and delivery of research.

INVOLVE is leading across the NIHR to deliver a project which is expected to recommend a pragmatic NIHR understanding of ‘co-production in research’.  The longer term vision is for this to be adopted and embedded into the processes, procedures and culture of the NIHR.

This project seeks to provide conceptual clarity in terms of where and how the discourse, principles and elements of co-production ‘fit’ with that of PPI in research generally and the work of NIHR specifically.  The intention is to get consensus across the NIHR on the learning points from the project.

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