References on involving children and young people in research

Brady, L. M, and Preston J. (2017) Evaluating the extent and impact of young people’s involvement in National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) studies: an assessment of feasibilityA report of a project commissioned by the James Lind Initiative.

Alderson, P. (2001). Research by children. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 4(2), 139-153.

Bailey,S. Boddy, K., Briscoe,S and Morris,C. (2014) Involving disabled children and young people as partners in research: a systematic review. Child: Care, Health and Development, epublication ahead of print

Brady, L.M., Davey, C., Shaw, C. and Blades, R. (2012). Involving children and young people in research – principles into practice. In Social Care, Service Users and User Involvement: building on research, ed. Beresford P and Carr S. London: Jessica Kingsley

Brady, L.M. and young co-authors (2011). Involving young people in research: making an impact in public health. In Critical Perspectives on User Involvement, ed. Barnes M and Cotterell P. p159-168. Bristol: Policy Press.

Brownlie, J., Anderson, S. and Ormston, R. (2006). Children as researchers. Edinburgh:  Scottish Executive Education Department

Fleming, J. (2010). Young people’s involvement in research – still a long way to go? Qualitative Social Work, 10(2), 207–223

Fleming J, and Boeck, T (eds). (2012). Involving Children and Young People in Health and Social Care Research. London: Routledge

Franks, M. (2011). Pockets of Participation: Revisiting Child-Centred Participation Research. Children & Society, 25(1), 15–25.

Kirby, P (2004) A Guide to Actively Involving Young People in Research: For researchers, research commissioners, and managers. Eastleigh: INVOLVE.

McCabe, A. and  Horsley, K. (2008). The Evaluator’s Cookbook: Exercises for participatory evaluation with children and young people. London: Routledge

Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2015). Children and clinical research: ethical issues. London: Nuffield Council on Bioethics.

Save the Children (2000) Young People as Researchers: A learning resource pack. London: Save the Children.

Shaw C, Brady, LM and Davey C (2011). Guidelines for Research with Children and Young People. London, NCB.

Swallow, V., J. Coad, and A. Macfadyen (2007) Involving children, young people and parents in knowledge generation in health and social care research in User Participation Research in Health and Social Care, M. Nolan, et al., Editors. 2007, Open University Press: Buckingham. p. 151-165.