
The Young People’s Mental Health Advisory Group (@YPMHAG) consists of young people (aged between 16 and 26) from across England. Members have experienced mental health issues or have supported someone who has. Meetings are held in London.

The group invites researchers (or research teams) to each of its meetings in order to discuss specific studies and provide advice and support.

In the past, the group has connected to a number of projects including ‘Depression: Asking the right questions’, a priority setting exercise supported by the charity MQ, and a Department of Health initiative to collect national statistics on the prevalence of mental health issues among young people in the UK.

The main objectives of the group are to:

  • act as a point of contact for researchers seeking patient and public involvement (PPI) on studies relating to young people
  • raise the profile of research into young people’s mental health
  • promote the young service user/carer perspective in mental health research
  • identify and share good practice in service user and carer involvement
  • collaborate with the wider NIHR family and charities on specific projects.

For further information about the group please visit out website or contact YPMHG.