
Barts Health is the largest NHS Trust in England and one of the leading health care providers in the UK. The Trust’s five hospitals deliver high quality safe and compassionate care to the 2.5 million people of east London and beyond.

Barts Health’s vision is to be a healthcare organisation that offers urgent specialist and community services specifically tailored to meet the needs of our diverse local communities.



Public involvement in research

The Barts Health Research Engagement and Diffu­sion team work with researchers, patients and the public to increase engagement, involvement and participation in healthcare research.

The team provide a wide range of services and support including advising and supporting researchers/ research teams to engage patients and members of the public in their research, reviewing PPI plans for grant applications, organising training workshops and organising public engagement events to raise awareness about the wide range of research conducted within our hospitals.

The team also act as a central point of contact for members of the public who want to know more about Barts Health research and manage a database of local residents, who are interested in getting involved in our research.

Location Get directions to this organisation

Newham University Hospital, Glen Road, London E13 8SL

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Mile End Hospital, Newham University Hospital, the Royal London Hospital, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Whipps Cross University Hospital, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry

National Institute for Health Research Networks

NIHR Biomedical Research Units and Centres - View other organisations in this network

NIHR Clinical Research Networks (CRN) - View other organisations in this network

NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) - View other organisations in this network

Showing organisation 1 of 21 total organisations

Want to get involved?

Interested in getting involved in research or looking for members of the public to get involved in your work? Visit People in Research.

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