
Our Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) helps scientists from King’s College London and doctors, nurses and other health professionals from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital to do research together.

Research is needed to gain new knowledge about illnesses, treatments and tests so that we can provide better care for local people.

We welcome everyone’s input and support. We don’t just need people to take part in clinical trials – we need members of the public to give us their views on what we should be researching and how we should be doing it.

Public involvement in research

Our BRC support a wide range of Patient and Public Involvement activities to enable researchers at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College London to meaningingfully implement patient and public involvement into their research. Our BRC have a number of research advisory groups who support and advise researchers throughout the duration of their research studies. We have advisory groups for Cancer, Cardiovascular, Dermatology, Stroke, Women’s Health and Respiratory Health.

Location Get directions to this organisation

16th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, SE1 9RT

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South East London

National Institute for Health Research Networks

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