
Our previous conference held in 2014.



Facts and figures

Our 9th biennial INVOLVE conference took place on 26 and 27 November 2014 at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham. It was our largest conference so far with:

  • more than 530 delegates over 2 days
  • 92 presentations and workshops offered within 5 parallel sessions
  • 85 posters
  • well over 1,700 tweets using the conference hashtag over the 2 days.

Thanks to all of the presenters, poster exhibitors, delegates and conference organisers for making INVOLVE 2014 such a success.

Thank you to everybody who attended the INVOLVE conference and helped to make it a success.


Congratulations to the winners of the INVOLVE 2014 poster competition:

The overall winner for design and plain English was:

Sharon Nolan

Communication and Patient and Public Involvement Manager

North Bristol NHS Trust

Mystery shopper

Highly commended for plain English was:

Liam Ennis

Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London

Ennis KCL








Highly commended for design was:

Rhianna Broadway

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Broadway, Norfolk









Find out about  previous INVOLVE conferences

Conference 1