
The 2017 Conference Report is available to download here.

Our next INVOLVE Conference will take place in early 2021. As soon as details are available we will update this page.

PDFs of the plenary sessions are available here.

Some feedback from the Conference

Thank you Kate. It was a really fun and rewarding day. There was a lovely atmosphere and all the staff worked so hard to make it a success.



Thanks very much for your kind message. It was a pleasure to co-present with my colleagues and we were grateful to be able to attend the conference at large. It’s always energizing to make connections, learn the challenges and opportunities that others are facing, and be around like-minded people!

Congratulations to you and the rest of the group at INVOLVE on an excellent and successful conference!

I found that conference extremely valuable thanks, it was the best conference that I have been to in a long time and I go to a LOT of conferences!

It was a conference to be proud of. I thoroughly enjoyed the day. A good mix of presentations and workshops. Venue worked well, too. Well done! You should take significant credit for the success.

I wanted to follow up and say thank you for all of your help and support on the collaboration between Research Involvement and Engagement/BMC and INVOLVE. It was a fantastic conference and we really enjoyed having the stand there. We certainly received a lot of interest and engagement with the journal from your delegates.

I enjoyed the conference especially coming first in the poster competition.

What a brilliant day it has been at #INVOLVEat21. It really has been a conference like no other, planned with the community at the very heart. A big thank you to outgoing Chair @SDenegri, incoming Chair @TinaColdham, Director @Zoe_AGray and all the team for such a fabulous day!

Read some blogs about the conference: