2014 Conference

Abstract: Despite the availability of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research training courses and resources, both researchers and PPI representatives (PPIRs) cite training as an unmet need in the East of England (EoE). We therefore undertook a survey of researchers and PPIRs in the EoE to find out what participants thought were the learning and development needs for:

  1. researchers
  2. PPIRs
  3. the participant and
  4. how these needs could be met.

Seventy-nine people answered the survey (74.7% researchers and 25.3% PPIRs). Some researchers misunderstood PPI to mean participation while some PPIRs thought it referred to changing NHS services. Many recognised that much training had already taken place in the EoE and felt the training available met the needs in the region. Therefore some felt that the focus should be on improving the publicity of resources, organisations and networking mechanisms that were already in place. On the other hand some responses highlighted the fact that training needs are individualised and it is difficult to meet these by using a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Areas of wide consensus between the groups centred on the need for training in PPI best practices, practically carrying out PPI roles and basic research and methods training for PPIRs. Many preferred physical events for training over virtual and printed mediums. We hope to utilise more detailed results from the survey to stimulate discussion about future directions for PPI learning and development for researchers and PPIRs.

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Tembo ~ Doreen

Dr Doreen Tembo works as a research adviser and Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Lead for the National Institute for Health Research's (NIHR) Research Design Service (RDS) East of England and facilitates the regional RDS PPI Working Group which includes PPI advisers/academics, coordinators from the NHS/NIHR and lay representatives.

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