2004 Conference

The Alzheimer’s Society Quality Research in Dementia (QRD) award-winning research grants programme involves consumers in all stages of the Research Cycle.

Today a small group of QRD members, in emphasising the Identifying & Prioritising part of The Research Cycle, will demonstrate how the 150 strong UK networks of carers and former carers of people with dementia achieve this.

We will look at the impact this has on the commissioning, design and management processes; address training issues; the perception of the network by researchers and, finally, how the QRD consumer members themselves feel they really are Making a Difference.

How the Alzheimer’s Society QRD Consumer network do it!


Nurock ~ Shirley

Research Network Volunteer, Alzheimer's Society. Shirley Nurock cared for her husband for over 15 years after he development Alzheimer's disease in his 50s when their three children were in their teens. Since joining the Alzheimer's Society Research Network she has been involved with a number of major research projects, as co-applicant and on Trial Management Groups. She was the first carer to be awarded project grant funding by Alzheimer's Society and is involved in educating medical students and clinical psychologists about the impact of dementia on families. She is now a carer again for her mother.

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