Gary Hickey
I am a consultant, trainer, project and research manager who has worked in both university and practitioner settings. My expertise is in ensuring that research translates into policy and action. I am passionate about public and patient involvement in health and social care research and practice. Most recently I have established the Centre for Public Engagement at Kingston University with the aim of developing a centre of expertise in patient and public involvement in research, education and service development and delivery. As well as undertaking research, teaching and training my role involved expanding the capacity of the faculty of Health, Social Care and Education to involve public and patients in the design and delivery of their education programmes and also their research. My commitment to public and patient involvement extends beyond research and I am Chair of my local Healthwatch. I obtained a first degree in Public Administration and a PhD in Health Studies. I have over a decade of experience working in health and social care research, including public and patient involvement, within a university setting, and over a decade’s experience of working in research and project management within public sector organisations, both in the UK and overseas, on ethics and corruption. Email: