Paula Wray
I am one of the new Senior Public Involvement Managers for the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) INVOLVE. Previously I was the Public involvement Programme Lead for NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) East Midlands where I had a strategic role ensuring that the public involvement and stakeholder engagement was central to the CLAHRC, its projects and activities. I established and chaired the Patient and Public Partners’ Council and co-led the establishment of the East Midlands Centre for Black and Minority Ethnic Health to facilitate and support inclusive and diverse engagement providing a more ground up direction for the organisation. I have also been the regional Public Involvement Lead for the Research Design Service East Midlands. Over the past six years I have worked with partners to develop and deliver numerous education and support packages for both members of the public and academic/clinical staff to facilitate more inclusive and substantial involvement. I also worked in the community sector in the precursor to Healthwatch, Local Involvement Networks (LINks) this coupled with my role in CLAHRC provides me with an inherent understanding of the health and social care services and issues facing individuals and communities. My neuroscience doctorate gives me the grounding and experience of research and strengthens my capacity in this role. Email: