Exploring impact: summary report

Author: Kristina Staley, TwoCan Associates 

This is a summary of the Exploring impact report, a literature review that aimed to increase knowledge of the evidence of the impact of public involvement on health and social care research. 

No. of pages: 14

Exploring impact: public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research

Author: Kristina Staley, TwoCan Associates

This report draws together a wealth of examples of how public involvement is conducted, and what difference it is making. It also raises questions of the quality of the evidence for the impact of such involvement, revealing huge variation in how this is assessed and reported and highlighting difficulties in judging it or drawing general conclusions.

A summary report is also available.

No. of pages: 116

National Institute for Health Research Programmes: payment rates for public involvement

Please note that benefits guidance and tax legislation been subject to considerable change/reinterpretation since 2019. Any INVOLVE documents referring to the payment of involvement fees may now be out of date and are pending a review during 2020. INVOLVE’s guidance should not be substituted for professional advice, and INVOLVE accepts no liability for decisions or actions taken as a result of its guidance. You are always recommended to take your own tax, finance or legal advice.

This document sets out the framework that has been agreed with the Department of Health for payments to members of the public who are involved with National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) research programmes. People in other settings may find it helpful when developing their own programmes and procedures.

No of pages: 6

Getting involved in research grant applications

Authors: Maryrose Tarpey and Jane Royle

Guidelines providing information for members of the public interested in getting involved in research grant applications. This is one of a series of seven guidelines to help commissioners, researchers and the public to think about public involvement in research commissioning.

No. of pages: 12

Survey of lay members of Research Ethics Committees (RECs)

Authors: Sarah Buckland, Lucy Simons, Gill Wren

This survey was carried out by INVOLVE on behalf of the National Research Ethics Service (NRES) NHS Service Users and Ethical Review Advisory Group between September and November 2008. 

No. of pages: 44

INVOLVE conference report 2008

Author: Ruth Stewart, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London

This report provides an overview of  INVOLVE’s sixth national conference which took place on 11 and 12 November 2008. It summarises the presentations, posters and discussions and the main themes which arose.

No. of pages: 28

Social research and public involvement: colliding worlds?

Author: Ruth Stewart, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.

This one day seminar was for researchers, including user researchers, with an interest in public involvement in applied social science research. Participants discussed the contribution the public can make to the research process.

No. of pages: 28

Public Information Pack (PIP) Booklet 4: Jargon buster

The Public Information pack (PIP) is made up of four booklets and is for members of the public who are interested in getting involved in NHS, public health and social care research. The booklets have been produced by INVOLVE with support and advice from members of the public to help us ensure we cover the kind of information people need, when first getting involved in research. 

The other three booklets in the series are:
PIP 1: So what is it all about?
PIP 2: Getting started
PIP 3: Finding out more

No. of pages: 24

Peer reviewing research proposals

Authors: Jane Royle and Maryrose Tarpey

Guideline providing information for members of the public interested in getting involved in peer review. This is one of a series of seven guidelines to help commissioners, researchers and the public to think about public involvement in research commissioning.

No. of pages: 16

Being a member of a commissioning board

Authors: Jane Royle and Maryrose Tarpey

These guidelines are written for members of the public interested in being a member of a commissioning board. One of a series of seven guidelines to help commissioners, researchers and the public to think about public involvement in research commissioning.

No. of pages: 12

Public involvement in research grant applications

Authors: Maryrose Tarpey and Jane Royle

These guidelines are written for research commissioners interested in encouraging researchers to involve the public in research grant applications. Other guidelines in this series of seven are for members of the public and researchers.

No. of pages: 12

Public involvement in peer reviewing research proposals

Authors: Jane Royle and Maryrose Tarpey

These guidelines are written for research commissioners interested in involving the public in peer reviewing research proposals. It is one in a series of seven written to help commissioners, researchers and members of the public think about public involvement in research commissioning.

No. of pages: 12