Who are the briefing notes for?

These briefing notes are for researchers new to public involvement in research and just starting to consider how best to involve members of the public in their work. They will also be of interest to researchers with experience of public involvement in research who are looking to update and ‘refresh’ their knowledge and skills and helpful to others interested in public involvement in research.

Public involvement in research sits in a changing and evolving environment. There is now a greater commitment to the importance and contribution public involvement can make to research and there are far more organisations and individuals supporting public involvement. There are also many more researchers and research commissioners working alongside the public for the first time. We have restructured some of our thinking about the framework for public involvement in research. In the past we have used the terms consultation, collaboration and user controlled to describe different levels of involving people in research. Over time it has become clear that in practice researchers can use a combination of these three and it is more helpful to describe them as approaches rather than levels.

The briefing notes explain the different ways that members of the public are involved in research. They will help you to plan, resource and support public involvement in your research.

How to use the briefing notes

You can download the briefing notes from the website, read them online or use them as an index to find out what other resources are available for researchers. These online resources will be updated and further information and new case studies will be added.

The briefing notes should be referenced as: INVOLVE (2012) Briefing notes for researchers: involving the public in NHS, public health and social care research.  INVOLVE, Eastleigh

The web links in this resource were updated in September 2014.

Let us know what you think

We welcome your comments and feedback on the briefing notes and please send us copies of your case studies and templates.

Feedback your comments, information and resources to: involve@nihr.ac.uk




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