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Searching for: Authors starting with B

User involvement in research and evaluation: Liberation or regulation?

Beresford, P.
Social Policy and Society, Volume 1, Issue 02, pages 95-105
Added: 28 September 2010

Older people as co-researchers: A collaborative journey

Bindels, J., Baur, V., Cox, K., Heijing, S. and Abma, T.
Ageing & Society, 34(6), 951-973
Added: 19 August 2014

Why collaborate with children in health research: an analysis of the risks and benefits of collaboration with children

Bird, D. Culley, L. & Lakhanpaul, M.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education & Practice Edition, 98(2), 42-48
Added: 08 May 2013

Turning the pyramid upside down: examples of public involvement in social care research

Blackburn, H., Hanley, B. and Staley, K.
INVOLVE: Eastleigh
Added: 26 March 2012

Participatory action research with older adults: Key principles in practice.

Blair, T. & Minkler, M.
The Gerontologist, 49(5), 652-662.
Added: 28 September 2010

Involving patients in setting priorities for healthcare improvement: a cluster randomised trial

Boivin, A., Lehoux, P., Lacombe, R., Burgers, J. and Grol, R.
Implementation Science, 9, 24
Added: 27 April 2015

Public involvement in the systematic review process in health and social care: a narrative review of case examples

Boote, J. Baird, W. and Sutton, A.
Health Policy, 102 (2-3), 105-116
Added: 08 February 2012