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Searching for: Authors starting with G

Involving patients in clinical research.

Goodare, H. & Lockwood, S.
BMJ, 319, 724-725.
Added: 22 February 2007

Talking about living and dying with the oldest old: Public involvement in a study on end of life care in care homes

Goodman, C., Mathie, E., Cowe, M., Mendoza, A., Westwood, D., Munday, D., Wilson, P., Crang, C., Froggatt, K., Illiffe, S., Manthorpe, J., Gage, H. and Barclay, S.
BioMed Central (BMC) Palliative Care, 10, 20
Added: 28 February 2012

Third sector facilitation of lived experience in research: A case study of service user and carer involvement in the PRIMROSE project

Gray, B., Larsen, J. and Faulkner, A.
Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 8(3), 141-151
Added: 19 August 2014

Academic consumer researchers: a bridge between consumers and researchers.

Griffiths, K., Jorm, A. & Christensen, H.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38(4), 191-196.
Added: 05 September 2006

Consumer involvement in consent document development: a multicenter cluster randomised trial to assess study participants? understanding.

Guarino, P., Elbourne, D., Carpenter, J. & Peduzzi, P.
Clinical Trials, 3(1), 19-30.
Added: 20 February 2007