Search results

Found 28 results.

Searching for: Authors starting with M

Toward the improvement of tuberculosis control and participatory research.

Marais, F.
London: Department of Primary Care and Social Medicine, Imperial College.
Added: 03 April 2007

Patient and clinician collaboration in the design of a national randomized breast cancer trial.

Marsden, J. & Bradburn, J.
Health Expectations, 7, 6-17.
Added: 22 February 2007

Consumer involvement in health research: A UK scoping and survey

Mathie, E., Wilson, P., Poland, F., McNeilly, E., Howe, A., Staniszewska, S., Cowe, M., Munday, D. and Goodman, C.
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38, 35-44
Added: 30 September 2014

Seeking what matters: Patients as research partners

Mayer, M.
Patient, 5(2), 71-74
Added: 04 September 2012

Looking in a fairground mirror: reflections on partnerships in learning disability research.

McClimens, A., Grant, G. & Ramcharan, P.
In: M. Nolan, E. Hanson, G. Grant & J. Keady (Eds.) User participation in health and social care research: voices, values and evaluation (pp104-119). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Added: 28 September 2010

Public involvement in breast cancer research: An analysis and model for future research.

McCormick, S., Brody J., Brown, P. & Polk, R.
International Journal of Health Services, 34(4), 625-646.
Added: 20 February 2007

The value of involvement from the perspective of service users and carers engaged in practitioner education: Not just a cash nexus

Mckeown, M., Malihi-Shoja, L., Hogarth, R., Jones, F., Holt, K., Sullivan, P., Lunt, J., Vella, J., Hough, G., Rawcliffe, L., Mather, M. and CIT
Nurse Education Today, 32(2), 178-84
Added: 04 September 2012

What is involvement in research and what does it achieve? Reflections on a pilot study of the personal costs of stroke.

McKevitt, C., Fudge, N. & Wolfe, C.
Health Expectations, 13(1), 86-94.
Added: 28 September 2010