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Found 6 results.

Searching for: Authors starting with N

Young researchers: Can I ask you some questions?

Nacif, A.
Children & Young People Now, 29 March 2005.
Added: 28 January 2009

Participating in community research: exploring the experiences of lay researchers in Bradford

Newell, C. & South, J
Community, Work & Family, 12(1), 75-89
Added: 28 September 2010

The impact of participatory and non-participatory evaluations on meeting project objectives.

Niba, M. & Green, J.
African Journal of AIDS Research, 4(2), 103-113.
Added: 28 January 2009

Collaboration and co-ownership in research: dynamics and dialogues between patient research partners and professional researchers in a research team.

Nierse, C., Schipper,K., van Zadelhoff, E., van de Griendt, J. & Abma, A.
Health Expectations 2012 Sep;15(3):242-54. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00661.x. Epub 2011 Feb 17.
Added: 28 February 2011

Methods of consumer involvement in developing healthcare policy and research, clinical practice guidelines and patient information material (Review).

Nilsen, E., Myrhaug, H., Johansen, N., Oliver, S. & Oxman, A.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, Art. No. CD004563.
Added: 28 January 2009

A courtly welcome: observations on the research initiative

Noonan Walsh, P.
British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31, 190-193
Added: 30 March 2007