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Searching for: Articles published in 2005

Involving older people in research: methodological issues

Ross, F., Donovan, S., Brearley, S., Victor, C., Cottee, M., Crowther, P. & Clark, E.
Health and Social Care in the Community, 13(3), 268-275
Added: 26 March 2012

Involving service users in health and social care research.

Lowes, L & Hulatt, I. (Eds.)
London: Routledge.
Added: 27 February 2007

More researching together: the role of nondisabled researchers working with People First members.

Williams, V., Simons, K. and Swindon People First Research Team.
British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33, 6-14.
Added: 26 February 2007

No home, no job

Butcher, L.
CareandHealth MAGAZINE, May 10- May 16, 30.
Added: 27 January 2009

Patient participation in health research: research with and for people with spinal cord injuries.

Abma, T.
Qualitative Health Research, 15(10), 1310-1328.
Added: 21 February 2007

The experiential knowledge of patients: a new resource for biomedical research?

Caron-Flinterman, J., Broerse, J. & Bunders, J.
Social Science & Medicine, 60, 2575-2584.
Added: 22 February 2007

The impact of participatory and non-participatory evaluations on meeting project objectives.

Niba, M. & Green, J.
African Journal of AIDS Research, 4(2), 103-113.
Added: 28 January 2009

The impact of service user involvement in research.

Minogue, V., Boness, J., Brown, A. & Girdlestone, J.
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 18(2-3), 103-112.
Added: 05 September 2006

The PC11 Report. An evaluation of consumer involvement in the London Primary Care Studies Programme.

Barnard, A., Carter, M., Britten, N., Purtell, R., Wyatt, K. & Ellis, A.
Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, UK.
Added: 05 September 2006