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Searching for: Articles published in 2006

How older people became researchers: Training, guidance and practice in action.

Leamy, N. & Clough, R.
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (ISBN 1 85935 435 1)
Added: 26 March 2012

How to involve cancer patients at the end of life as co-researchers

Wright, D.N.M., Hopkinson, J.B., Corner, J.L. and Foster, C.L.
Palliative Medicine Vol.20 pp.821-827
Added: 26 February 2008

Identifying uncertainties about the effects of treatments for schizophrenia.

Lloyd, K., Rose, D. & Fenton, M.
Journal of Mental Health, 15(3), 263-268.
Added: 27 January 2009

If we help you what will change? Participatory research with young people

Petrie, S., Fiorelli, L. & O'Donnell, K.
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 28(1), 31-45
Added: 30 March 2007

Involving mental health service users in quality assurance.

Weinstein, J.
Health Expectations, 9, 98-109.
Added: 28 January 2009

Involving young service users as co-researchers: Possibilities, benefits and costs.

McLaughlin, H.
British Journal of Social Work, 36, 1395-1410.
Added: 01 March 2007

Let me in - I'm a researcher! Getting involved in research

The Learning Difficulties Research Team with assistance from Bewley, C. & McCulloch, L.
London: Department of Health
Added: 03 April 2007

Methods of consumer involvement in developing healthcare policy and research, clinical practice guidelines and patient information material (Review).

Nilsen, E., Myrhaug, H., Johansen, N., Oliver, S. & Oxman, A.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, Art. No. CD004563.
Added: 28 January 2009

Patients and professionals as research partners: Challenges, practicalities and benefits

Hewlett, S., de Wit, M., Richards, P., Quest E., Hughes, R., Heiberg, T., Kirwan, J.
Arthritis Care & Research, 55(4), 676-680
Added: 26 March 2012