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Searching for: Articles published in 2012

Patient advocates’ role in clinical trials

Katz, M., Archer, L., Peppercorn, J., Kereakoglow, S., Collyar, D., Burstein, H., Schilsky, R. and Partridge, A.
Cancer. 2012 Oct 1;118(19):4801-5. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27485. Epub 2012 Mar 5.
Added: 04 September 2012

Patient and public involvement in coproduction of knowledge: Reflection on the analysis of qualitative data in a mental health study

Gillard, S., Simons, L., Turner, K., Lucock, M. & Edwards, C.
Qualitative Health Research, 2012 Aug; 22(8):1126-37. Epub 2012 Jun 6.
Added: 20 June 2012

Patient and public involvement to support liver disease research

Hull, D., Barton, D., Guo, K., Russell, C., Aucott, B. and Wiles, D.
British Journal of Nursing, 21(16), 972-976.
Added: 08 January 2013

Patient involvement in a scientific advisory process: Setting the research agenda for medical products

Elberse, J., Pittens, C., Buning, T. and Broerse, J.
Health Policy. 2012 Oct;107(2-3):231-42. Epub 2012 Jun 25.
Added: 04 September 2012

PPI, paradoxes and Plato: Who’s sailing the ship?

Ives, J., Damery, S. and Redwood, S.
Journal of Medical Ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100150 [Epub ahead of print]
Added: 28 October 2014

Seeking what matters: Patients as research partners

Mayer, M.
Patient, 5(2), 71-74
Added: 04 September 2012

The impact of patient and public involvement on UK NHS health care: a systematic review

Mockford, C., Staniszewska, S., Griffiths, F., & Herron-Marx, S.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 24(1), 28-38
Added: 20 March 2012

The missing links: Understanding how context and mechanism influence the impact of public involvement in research

Staley, K., Buckland, S., Hayes, H. & Tarpey, M.
Health Expectations: doi 10 1111/hex.12017 [advance e publication]
Added: 23 October 2012