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Searching for: Articles published in 2006

Should service user involvement be consigned to history? A critical realist perspective.

Stickley, T.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 13, 570-577.
Added: 20 February 2007

Sowing the seeds for sustainable change: A community based participatory research partnership for health promotion in Indiana USA and its aftermath.

Minkler, M., Vasquez, V., Warner, J., Steyssey, H, & Facente, S.
Health Promotion International, 21(4), 293-300.
Added: 28 January 2009

Testing treatments: Better research for better healthcare.

Evans., I., Thornton, H. & Chalmers, I.
London: British Library. (ISBN 071234909X)
Added: 24 March 2007

The effect of involvement in participatory research on parent researchers in a Sure Start Programme.

Rowe, A.
Health and Social Care in the Community, 14(6), 465-473.
Added: 28 January 2009

The practicality and acceptability of an advocacy service in the emergency department for people attending following self-harm.

Bryant, L. & Beckett, J.
Leeds: Academic Unit of Psychiatry, Leeds University.
Added: 11 March 2007

The tools to understand: Community as co-researcher on culture-specific protective factors for Alaska natives.

Allen, J., Mohatt, G., Rasmus, S., Hazel, K., Thomas, L. & Lindley, S.
Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 32(1-2), 41-60.
Added: 27 January 2009

User involvement leads to more ethically sound research.

Staley, K. & Minogue, V
Clinical Ethics, 1, 95-100.
Added: 28 September 2010