Evidence library

The Evidence library has been developed for people with an interest in research into public involvement in research. It includes references and abstracts of reports and articles that cover:

  • the impact of public involvement on research
  • the nature and extent of public involvement in research, for example mapping public involvement
  • reflections on public involvement in research.

Search the online library below which contains references up to 2015.  2016 and later references will be added shortly.

Read more about the library or tell us about documents and references you think should be included.

View our Putting it into Practice database for resources on how to involve members of the public in research.

To search the online library, you can browse all by selecting the search button, enter freetext in the box or select as many of the boxes as you like within each category. Searching using more than one category will identify all records with any of the selected options. See our search help page for more information.