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Searching for: Articles published in 2007

Advocacy groups as research organisations: the PXE International example

Terry, S., Terry, P., Rauen K., Uitto J. & Bercovitch, L.
Nature Reviews Genetics, 8(2), 157-164
Added: 30 March 2007

Assessment of the benefits of user involvement in health research from the Warwick Diabetes Care Research User Group: A qualitative case study.

Lindenmeyer, A., Hearnshaw, H., Sturt, J., Ormerod, R. & Aitchison, G.
Health Expectations, 10, 268-277.
Added: 27 January 2009

Becoming involved in research: a service user research advisory group.

Cotterell, P., Clarke, P., Cowdrey, D., Kapp, J., Paine, M. & Wynn, R.
Chapter 11. In: Creative Engagement in Palliative Care, (Eds: Jarrett,L.), Radcliffe
Added: 28 September 2010

Benefits of and barriers to involving users in medical device technology development and evaluation.

Shah, S. & Robinson, I.
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 23(1), 131-137.
Added: 28 September 2010

Beyond our expectations: A report of the experiences of involving service users in forensic mental health research

Faulkner, A.
London: National Programme for Forensic Mental Health R&D
Added: 26 March 2012

Consumer participation in mental health research: articulating a model to guide practice.

Happell, B. & Roper, C
Australasian Psychiatry, 15(3), 237-241.
Added: 28 September 2010

Involving communities in the design of clinical trial protocols: The BAN study in Lilongwe, Malawi.

Coneli, A., Piwoz, E., Bentley, M., Moses, A., Nkhoma, J., Adair, L., Mtimuni, B., Ahmed, Y., Duerr, A., Kazembe, P., van der Horst, C. & the UNC Project BAN study
Contemporary Clinical Trials, 28(1), 59-67.
Added: 28 September 2010

Looking in a fairground mirror: reflections on partnerships in learning disability research.

McClimens, A., Grant, G. & Ramcharan, P.
In: M. Nolan, E. Hanson, G. Grant & J. Keady (Eds.) User participation in health and social care research: voices, values and evaluation (pp104-119). Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Added: 28 September 2010