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Found 34 results.

Searching for: Articles published in 2013

Bring on the evidence

Petit-Zemen, S. & Locock, L.
Nature, 501, 160-161
Added: 09 October 2013

Case study: A patient-clinician collaboration that identified and prioritised evidence gaps and stimulated research development

Buckley, B., Grant, A. and Glazener, C.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66(5), 483-9
Added: 27 April 2015

Community consultation in emergency neurosurgical research: lessons from a proposed trial for patients with chronic subdural haematomas

Scotton, W., Kolias, A., Shen Ban, V., Crick, S., Sinha, R., Gardner, A., Massey, K., Minett, T., Santarius, T. and Hutchinson, P.
British Journal of Neurosurgery, 27(5), 590-594
Added: 08 January 2014

Conceptualising the outcomes of involving people who use mental health services in policy development

Restall, G.
Health Expectations, E-Pub in advance. DOI: 10.1111/hex.12091
Added: 28 October 2013

Consumer involvement in cancer research: example from a Cancer Network

Arain, M., Pyne, S., Thornton, N., Palmer, S. and Sharma, R.
Health Expectations, advance e-publication, DOI: 10.1111/hex.12143
Added: 08 January 2014

Designing a placebo device: Involving service users in clinical trial design

Gooberman-Hill, R., Jinks, C., Boucsas, S., Hislop, K., Dziedzic, K., Rhodes, C., Burston, A. & Adams, J.
Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12043. [Epub ahead of print]
Added: 08 May 2013

Effectiveness of critical care discharge information in supporting early recovery from critical illness

Bench, S., Day, T. and Griffiths, P.
Critical Care Nurse, 33(3), 41-52
Added: 08 January 2014

Expectations of new treatment in rheumatoid arthritis: developing a patient-generated questionnaire

Hofmann, D., Ibrahim, F., Rose, D., Scott, D., Cope, A., Wykes, T. & Lempp, H.
Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12073. [Epub ahead of print]
Added: 07 October 2013