
INVOLVE research project database criteria for inclusion

The aim of the INVOLVE research project database is to provide a resource of published and unpublished research projects in the field of health, public health and social care that have or plan to actively involve members of the public in the research process.

When using the term public we include patients, potential patients, carers and people who use health and social care services. Whilst all of us are actual, former or indeed potential users of health and social care services, there is an important distinction to be made between the perspectives of the public and the perspectives of people who have a professional role in health and social care services.

We define public involvement in research as research being carried out with or by members of the public rather than to, about or for them. This includes, for example:

  • being joint grant holders or co-applicants on a research project
  • working with research funders to identify research priorities
  • offering advice as members of a research project advisory or steering group
  • commenting on and developing patient information leaflets or other research materials
  • undertaking interviews with research participants
  • user and / or carer researchers carrying out the research.

We are only collecting information about public involvement in research projects. This does not include public involvement in other activities, such as seminars, commissioning groups, or meetings.

Project details should be provided in plain English, for example keeping your language as simple as possible, using everyday alternatives to jargon, explaining medical terminology and spelling out acronyms in full the first time you use them.

Register here if you have not registered before and would like to add a research project for the first time.

Login here if you have already registered and wish to edit your research project or add a new one.