Search results

Found 8 results.

Searching for: Authors starting with G

Accessible article: Involving people with learning difficulties in research.

Garbutt, R., Tattersall, J., Dunn, J. & Boycott-Garnett, R.
British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 38(1), 21-34.
Added: 28 July 2010

Exploring the impact of providing evidence-based medicine training to service users

Gibson, A., Boddy, K., Maguire, K. and Britten, N.
Research Involvement and Engagement, 1:1
Added: 20 October 2015

Involving people with learning disabilities in research: issues and possibilities.

Gilbert, T.
Health and Social Care in the Community, 12(4), 298-308.
Added: 05 March 2007

Designing a placebo device: Involving service users in clinical trial design

Gooberman-Hill, R., Jinks, C., Boucsas, S., Hislop, K., Dziedzic, K., Rhodes, C., Burston, A. & Adams, J.
Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12043. [Epub ahead of print]
Added: 08 May 2013

Consulting about consulting: Challenges to effective consulting about public health research.

Graham, J., Broom, D. & Whittaker, A.
Health Expectations, 4(4), 209-212.
Added: 20 October 2010

Third sector facilitation of lived experience in research: A case study of service user and carer involvement in the PRIMROSE project

Gray, B., Larsen, J. and Faulkner, A.
Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 8(3), 141-151
Added: 19 August 2014

Challenges of participatory research: Reflections on a study with breast cancer self-help groups.

Gray, R., Fitch, M., Davis, C. & Phillips, C.
Health Expectations, 3(4), 243-252.
Added: 27 January 2009

A practice-based tool for engaging stakeholders in future research: A synthesis of current practices

Guise, J., O'Haire, C., McPheeters, M., Most, C., Labrant, L., Lee, K., Barth Cottrell, E. and Graham, E.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 66(6), 666-74
Added: 27 April 2015