Search results

Found 7 results.

Searching for: Articles published in 2006

Ensuring public and patient participation in research: A case study in infrastructure development in one UK Research and Development consortium.

Howe, A., MacDonald, H., Barrett, B. & Little, B.
Primary Health Care Research and Development, 7, 60-67.
Added: 05 March 2007

Guidelines for commissioners

Eastleigh: INVOLVE.
Added: 06 November 2010

How older people became researchers: Training, guidance and practice in action.

Leamy, N. & Clough, R.
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (ISBN 1 85935 435 1)
Added: 27 January 2009

How to involve cancer patients at the end of life as co-researchers.

Wright, D., Hopkinson, J., Corner, J. & Foster, C.
Palliative Medicine, 20(8), 821-827.
Added: 26 July 2010

Older people as researchers: Evaluating a participative project.

Clough, R., Green, B., Hawkes, B., Raymond, G. & Bright, L.
York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (ISBN 1 85935 433 5)
Added: 27 January 2009

Patients and professionals as research partners: Challenges, practicalities and benefits.

Hewlett, S., de Wit, M., Richards, P., Quest E., Hughes, R., Heiberg, T., Kirwan, J.
Arthritis Care & Research, 55(4), 676-680.
Added: 20 February 2007