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Found 4 results.

Searching for: Articles published in 2008

Engaging the public in priority-setting for health technology assessment: findings from a citizens' jury.

Menon, D. & Stafinski, T.
Health Expectations, 11(3), 282-293.
Added: 19 October 2010

Reflections on practical approaches to involving young people in the data analysis process.

Coad, J. & Evans, R.
Children & Society, 22(1), 41-52.
Added: 27 January 2009

The power and the promise: Working with communities to analyse data, interpret findings and get to outcomes.

Cashman, S., Adeky, S., Allen, A., Corburn, J., Israel, B., Montano, J., Rafelito, A., Rhodes, S., Swanston, S., Wallerstein, N. and Eng, E.
American Journal of Public Health, 98(8), 1407-1417.
Added: 28 September 2010