Evidence Library


Title: Involving patients in clinical research.
Author: Goodare, H. & Lockwood, S.
Date Published: 1999
Reference: BMJ, 319, 724-725.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


The author argues that patient involvement improves the quality of research. She provides three examples of involvement in breast cancer research the UK, USA and Australia. These illustrate the impact of involvement on research quality and design, on funding decisions and the consent process.

She recommends that researchers should be asked to demonstrate that they have consulted consumers in developing their research proposals when applying for funding. She also suggests that medical journals should set new standards for consumer consultation by making involvement at all stages in research a condition for publication.

External link: The following links will take you to information on this entry on an external website. INVOLVE is not responsible for the content or the reliability of the external websites. Link to journal article

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
impact on funding/commissioning
impact on research
impact on research ethics
reflecting on public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2007/02/22

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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