Evidence Library


Title: Involving service users in health and social care research.
Author: Lowes, L & Hulatt, I. (Eds.)
Date Published: 2005
Reference: London: Routledge.
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


This book is a collection of papers written by service user and professional researchers. The titles of the chapters are:

  1. Theory and practice of user involvement in research: making the connection with public polic and practice.
  2. Actively involving marginalised and vulnerable people in research
  3. Supporting people with learning difficulties to do their own research
  4. A hard fight: the involvement of mental health service users in research
  5. Translating health policy into research practice
  6. Foster carers undertake research into birth family contact: using the social action approach
  7. From recruitment to disemination: the experience of working together from service user and professional perspectives
  8. Consumer led research? Parents as researchers: the child health surveillance project
  9. Consumer involvement in cancer research in the UK: benefits and challenges
  10. Community action to housing and health needs
  11. Helping older people to share the research journey
  12. Really making it happen in Wiltshire: the experience of service users evaluating social care
  13. Research with children who use NHS services: sharing the experience
  14. From rhetoric to reality: the involvement of children and young people with mental ill health in research
  15. Strategies for involving service users in outcomes focused research
  16. Working with older women in research: benefits and challenges of involvement
  17. Service user involvement at all stages of the research process
  18. Working together to undertake research.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
social care
nature and extent of public involvement in research
impact of public involvement
reflecting on public involvement in research

Date Entered: 2007/02/27

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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