Evidence Library


Title: Capturing the experiences of those involved in the TRUE project: A story of colliding worlds.
Author: Faulkner, A.
Date Published: 2004
Reference: Eastleigh: INVOLVE.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


The TRUE project was commissioned by INVOLVE to scope training provision in the UK relevant to consumer involvement in research. There were seven service users, three project supervisers and a project co-ordinator in the research team.

At the end of the project INVOLVE commissioned an extra piece of work to capture the experiences of all those who had been involved. This report is a summary of those experiences. It includes the views of the service users on the benefits of being involved. These included:

  • feeling appreciated
  • being stretched by new skills and new experiences
  • meeting new people
  • increased knowledge of mental health and research
  • working in a group
  • greater confidence
  • further opportunities to be involved in research.

Related entry: none currently available

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Categories: health
public health
social care
impact on service users involved
impact of public involvement

Date Entered: 2007/02/27

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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