Evidence Library


Title: Clients or colleagues? Reflections on the process of participatory action research with young injecting drug users.
Author: Coupland, H., Maher, L., Enriquez, J., Le, K., Pacheco, V., Pham, A., Carroll, C., Cheguelman, G., Freeman, D., Robinson, D. & Smith, K.
Date Published: 2005
Reference: International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, 191-198.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


This paper reflects on the benefits and challenges of involving young injecting drug users (IDUs) in participatory action research. It is based on the experiences of researchers, health workers and IDU researchers who worked on a needs assessment of young IDUs who do not access services. The research was carried out in two areas in Australia to inform local service planning.

There were benefits for all members of the team. The health workers gained:
  • a better understanding of the barriers to accessing services and the needs of young IDUs
  • a more positive attitude to young IDUs
  • new relationships with IDUs who don't access services, that is better networking opportunities.

The young IDU researchers benefited from:

  • increased confidence and self-esteem
  • a more positive attitude to future employment
  • a sense of having made a contribution.
The researchers gained from:
  • access to research participants that would not have been possible otherwise
  • faster recruitment and data collection.
The wider community gained because the young IDU researchers became peer educators, disseminating information about health risks and access to services. One of the young IDU researchers has since been involved in developing an outreach service.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
Undertaking research
impact on research
impact on service users involved
impact on researchers
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
journal article
Implementation and change

Date Entered: 2007/03/03

Date Edited: 2012/12/06

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