Evidence Library


Title: A courtly welcome: observations on the research initiative
Author: Noonan Walsh, P.
Date Published: 2003
Reference: British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31, 190-193
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


This short paper reflects on the author's involvement in commissioning and overseeing a series of learning disabilities research projects.  The author argues that because self advocates were involved in this process, presentations about the research projects were more concise and more interesting.

The author compares the involvement of self advocates in research in England with that in Ireland, where self advocates are not involved in commissioning policy research at a national level. 
Noonan Walsh raises several questions about what policy research is, who should do it, and how results should be disseminated. In particular, she asks:
  • Who should set research priorities? 
  • Who should be included in the research process? 
  • How inclusive should dissemination processes be?
She argues that future research in this area should look at the experiences of more diverse groups - for example older people with a learning disability.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
social care
Identifying topics, prioritising and commissioning
Managing research
impact on funding/commissioning
reflecting on public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2007/03/30

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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