Evidence Library


Title: All talk: Experiencing user-led research.
Author: Gillard, S. & Stacey, E.
Date Published: 2005
Reference: A Life in the Day, 9(2), 27-30.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


This article reports on the experiences of a user-led research project which explored the way people talk about mental health. It was carried out by Slough User-Led Consultation (SULC).

The fact that users led and conducted the research ensured that the participants had a space to explore their mental health without some of the fears, barriers and constraints that characterise many of their other experiences. The powerful findings that emerged were a direct result of the project being user-led.

The team have established training for mental health professionals that addresses the issues raised by this research and provides a far more powerful way of disseminating the findings than publishing a report. The professionals who receive the training describe the experience as eye-opening and a potential catalyst for change.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
social care
Identifying topics, prioritising and commissioning
Designing research
Undertaking research
Analysing and interpreting
Writing up and disseminating
impact on research
impact on service users involved
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
Implementation and change

Date Entered: 2009/01/27

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