Evidence Library


Title: The impact of participatory and non-participatory evaluations on meeting project objectives.
Author: Niba, M. & Green, J.
Date Published: 2005
Reference: African Journal of AIDS Research, 4(2), 103-113.
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


Aim: To assess the effects of participation on the outcomes of a health project's objectives by comparing similar HIV/AIDS projects with and without participation.

Method: The overall outcomes of six HIV/AIDS projects (3 participatory and 3 non-participatory) were compared in terms of how well they met their common objectives. This involved reviewing documents and interview data from the project evaluations. The participatory evaluations were carried out in parallel with the implementation of the projects and included reflection time, focus groups and feedback sessions.

Findings/recommendations: The projects with participatory evaluations were high performing in terms of meeting their objectives. The non-participatory projects registered only an average performance. Awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skill acquisition, effective functioning and sustainability within the health projects were improved and supported through a participatory approach. The authors conclude that participation is important in both the implementation and evaluation stages of a project.

External link: The following links will take you to information on this entry on an external website. INVOLVE is not responsible for the content or the reliability of the external websites. Link to abstract

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: public health
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
journal article
Implementation and change

Date Entered: 2009/01/28

Date Edited: 2012/12/06

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