Evidence Library


Title: Disability, participation and welfare to work in Staffordshire.
Author: Wood, M.
Date Published: 2003
Reference: Journal of Integrated Care, 11(2), 43-48.
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


Aim: To survey the views of disabled people on barriers to employment and strategies to overcome them.

Methods: A partnership was established between the Steering Group overseeing Staffordshire's Welfare to Work Joint Investment Plan (JIP) and Staffordshire University. They worked together to promote the participation of disabled people as researchers in carrying out research to support the development of the JIP. A total of 17 disabled people were trained on the Consumers as Researchers course at the University over two years. They set priorities, decided on methods, carried out surveys and compiled and presented the results.

Findings/recommendations: The course was a learning process for all involved in the partnership. The tutors learnt how to better adapt their teaching to meet the different student's needs. They also realised they may need to adapt the course to make it more accessible for people with learning difficulties, and better meet the needs of people with mental health problems.

The students reported that they:

  • learnt about each other's disabilities
  • increased their self-confidence
  • had some success in securing longer-term employment and accessing higher education.

The user researchers presented their findings at a conference. One of the most powerful aspects was that the researchers spoke from personal experience.

Through modelling good practice, the research project itself helped to raise awareness of the social model of disability and the wider JIP agenda. It gave disabled people a greater voice to influence employment practice and service development.

The results were fed into the JIP which helped to raise awareness amongst employers, employees and service providers of the need for long-term change.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: public health
social care
Identifying topics, prioritising and commissioning
Designing research
Undertaking research
Analysing and interpreting
Writing up and disseminating
impact on research
impact on service users involved
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
journal article

Date Entered: 2009/01/28

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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