Evidence Library


Title: An evaluation of the process and impact of patient and public involvement in the advisory groups of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration.
Author: Hanley, B., Morris, C. and Staley, K
Date Published: 2009
Reference: London: UK Clinical Research Collaboration.
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


This report summarises the findings from an evaluation of the process and impact of patient and public involvement in the advisory groups of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration. These groups played a role in developing high level strategic thinking for the UKCRC.
The impact of involvement varied but included:

  • asking questions that are simple but fundamental to the groups' debates
  • keeping discussions grounded
  • monitoring performance
  • promoting issues of importance to the public or patients
  • acting as a reminder of patient/ public accountability
  • bringing in knowledge from other related experiences
  • contributing to practical decisions
  • promoting the use of plain English
  • lobbying for more PPI.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
impact of public involvement

Date Entered: 2010/09/28

Date Edited: 2012/11/20

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