Evidence Library


Title: What does it mean to involve consumers successfully in NHS research? A consensus study
Author: Telford, R., Boote, J.D. & Cooper, C.L.
Date Published: 2004
Reference: Health Expectations 2004, 7(3), 209-220
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known


Aim: To reach a consensus on the principles and indicators of successful user involvement in research.

Methods: An expert workshop was held with researchers and consumers and the nominal group technique used to generate possible principles and indicators. A consensus was reached on these via a two-round Delphi process.
Findings/recommendations: Eight principles were agreed and at least one indicator identified to measure each principle. There was more agreement between researchers and consumers than in previous studies. The authors hope these principles and indicators will be used by commissioners, researchers and consumers to guide good practice.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
nature and extent of public involvement in research
journal article

Date Entered: 2012/03/26

Date Edited: 2012/11/21

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