Putting it into Practice


Title: Hearing the voices of service user researchers in collaborative qualitative data analysis: the case for multiple coding
Author: Sweeney, A., Greenwood, K., Williams, S., Wykes, T. and Rose, D.
Date Published: 2012
Reference: Health Expectations Epub in advance. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2012.00810.x
Are service users or carers authors: Yes


This study used multiple coding (where each individual in a research team codes qualitative data) to analyse the data from a research project exploring cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis. The data was thus analysed from the perspective of a service user researcher, a clinical researcher and a psychology assistant. The report describes how the team then discussed and debated the areas, where they agreed on the analysis and where their interpretations differed.

They conclude this helped them to build a strong consensus about the data from multiple perspectives and that this approach is a valuable means of hearing service users’ voices in qualitative data analysis.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: journal article
service users and carers
research commissioners
relevant to all service users
lessons from direct experience of involvement
analysing and interpreting data
staff in research organisations
General guidance on involving the public in research

Date Entered: 2013/01/08

Date Edited: 2013/01/08

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