Putting it into Practice


Title: Do not forget the professional – the value of the FIRST model for guiding the structural involvement of patients in rheumatology research
Author: de Wit, M., Elberse, J., Broerse, J. & Abma, T.
Date Published: 2013
Reference: Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12048. [Epub ahead of print]
Are service users or carers authors: Yes

Abstract: The FIRST model was developed as a practical guide for setting up and managing service user involvement in health research. It has been piloted for two years within the field of rheumatology research in the Netherlands. Based on this experience, the researchers have concluded that the model needs to be revised to incorporate training and support for researchers in involvement. It also needs to be more dynamic, recognising that effective working partnerships evolve and change over time.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: journal article
service users and carers
relevant to all service users
general principles of good practice
lessons from direct experience of involvement
staff in research organisations
General guidance on involving the public in research

Date Entered: 2013/05/08

Date Edited: 2013/08/13

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