Evidence Library


Title: How to develop a patient and carer advisory group in stroke care research
Author: Sims, S., Brearly, S., Hewitt, G., Greendwood, N., Jones, F., Ross, F. & Harris, R.
Date Published: 2013
Reference: Nurse Researcher 20(3) 6-11
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: This study explored the effect of interprofessional teamworking on the experiences of patients and carers following a stroke. The research team established an advisory group of patients and carers. The group had a positive impact on the research by: improving the information given to participants; making the interview questions easier to understand; providing alternative interpretations of the data from interviews with patients and carers. However, the advisory group strongly disagreed with the views of one of patients interviewed in the project, which proved to be a challenge for the research team. They describe how they managed this issue. They also report on the benefits of the involvement for everyone involved.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
social care
Designing research
Analysing and interpreting
impact on research
impact on service users involved
impact on researchers
impact of public involvement
journal article

Date Entered: 2013/05/08

Date Edited: 2013/05/08

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