Evidence Library


Title: Public involvement in research applications to the National Research Ethics Service
Author: Tarpey, M
Date Published: 2011
Reference: INVOLVE, Eastleigh
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: Aim: A study to provide baseline data on the extent and nature of reported public involvement in health and social care research by analysing information routinely collected by National Research Ethics Service (NRES) as part of the applications process for ethical approval of research projects. Methods: The study was based on a sample of applications submitted to NRES in 2010. It focused on responses to the two-part question NRES asks applicants about how they will involve the public in their research. The question has a tick-box list of public involvement activities, and then a free-text box asking researchers to describe the involvement they have ticked. Findings/ recommendations: The study found that researchers often appeared not to understand the involvement question, with many referring to engagement rather than involvement activities. Analysis of the free-text responses showed that while engagement and involvement are clearly linked activities and complement each other, they are also distinct, in that one does not describe the other. The study makes a number of specific recommendations for funders, researchers, Research Ethics Committees and NRES.

Related entry: none currently available

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Categories: health
social care
nature and extent of public involvement in research

Date Entered: 2013/08/21

Date Edited: 2013/08/21

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