Putting it into Practice


Title: Involving patients in clinical research: the Telescot Patient Panel
Author: Fairbother, P., McCloughan, L., Adam, G., Brand, R., Brown, C., Watson, M., Cotter, N., Mackellaig, J. & McKinstry, B.
Date Published: 2013
Reference: Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12132. [Epub ahead of print]
Are service users or carers authors: Yes

Abstract: This report describes the setting up of a Patient Panel to advise on the Telescot study. This study aimed to explore the feasibility of using home telemonitoring of blood pressure for people affected by stroke. The research team worked with a local voluntary organisation to recruit people to the panel and to provide initial training and induction. The Panel advised on delivery and dissemination. The authors draw out the lessons from their experience with the aim of improving future practice.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: journal article
service users and carers
research commissioners
lessons from direct experience of involvement
description of involvement in a research project
designing of research
managing research
analysing and interpreting data
writing up and disseminating
setting up a research panel
training and supporting service users
people with communication difficulties

Date Entered: 2013/10/28

Date Edited: 2013/10/28

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