Evidence Library


Title: Patient and public involvement in pressure ulcer research
Author: Muir, D.
Date Published: 2011
Reference: Journal of Tissue Viability, 20, 132-133
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: This article reports on the development of the Pressure Ulcer Research Service User Network UK (PURSUN UK). The network is supported by the University of Leeds to provide input into a large scale National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded programme based at the university. The network has contributed to: developing a pressure ulcer risk assessment framework; analysis of data from research related to severe pressure ulcers; and developing new research ideas.

Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
Identifying topics, prioritising and commissioning
Undertaking research
Analysing and interpreting
impact on research
impact of public involvement
journal article

Date Entered: 2014/01/08

Date Edited: 2014/01/08

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