Evidence Library


Title: Community consultation in emergency neurosurgical research: lessons from a proposed trial for patients with chronic subdural haematomas
Author: Scotton, W., Kolias, A., Shen Ban, V., Crick, S., Sinha, R., Gardner, A., Massey, K., Minett, T., Santarius, T. and Hutchinson, P.
Date Published: 2013
Reference: British Journal of Neurosurgery, 27(5), 590-594
Are service users or carers authors: Yes

Abstract: Chronic subdural haematoma (CSDH) affects mostly older people and requires neurosurgical treatment. Researchers are interested in developing a new type of surgery which would be much less invasive. However a clinical trial is needed to test whether this approach is safe and effective. People with CSDH are sometimes neurologically impaired which would make it difficult to obtain their consent to take part in such a trial. In order to assess potential participants’ willingness to take part in the research, the clinicians carried out a survey of 215 patients, family members and carers, recruited from neurosurgical waiting rooms and clinics. This article reports on the findings, which showed that most people would be willing to participate in the proposed trial and would be happy for either the next of kin or an independent doctor to give consent on their behalf when necessary. The authors conclude that this kind of community consultation enables researchers to develop trial designs that are ethically acceptable to potential participants.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
Designing research
impact on research ethics
impact of public involvement
journal article

Date Entered: 2014/01/08

Date Edited: 2014/01/08

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