Evidence Library


Title: Patient and public involvement: how much do we spend and what are the benefits?
Author: Pizzo, E., Doyle, C., Matthews, R. and Barlow, J.
Date Published: 2014
Reference: Health Expectations doi: 10.1111/hex.12204. [Epub ahead of print]
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: Aim: To assess the benefits and costs of involvement and the challenges in carrying out an economic evaluation. Methods: A literature review. Findings: The benefits of patient and public involvement (PPI) include effects on the design and development of research and new services, on NHS governance and on citizenship and equity. Very few studies have assessed the economic impact. Conclusions: The authors have developed a framework to help identify the costs associated with PPI, including hidden costs, such as the costs to patients. They suggest that greater clarity on the costs and benefits of different approaches to PPI will help with making a business case for PPI.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
social care
impact on funding/commissioning
impact on research
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
journal article

Date Entered: 2014/07/15

Date Edited: 2014/07/15

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