Evidence Library


Title: Learning from people with long-term conditions: new insights for governance in primary care
Author: Ross, F., Smith, P., Byng, R., Christian, S., Allan, H., Price, L. and Brearley, S.
Date Published: 2014
Reference: Health and Social Care in the Community 22(4), 405-416
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: This article reports on the findings from a study of the governance of primary care. The aim was to find out how health professionals are managing the complex demands of centrally imposed changes to governance of health care (e.g. practice based commissioning) at the same time as greater emphasis is being placed on patient and public involvement. The researchers worked with service users at a national and local level and describe the difference that this made. The service user involvement added value by: • Validating understandings of governance, in particular how governance relates to the individual professional’s emotional and practical experience of delivering care to service users • Keeping the project focused on the issues that matter to service users • Providing different perspectives that helped to open up discussions about governance at a local level • Helping to disseminate the findings locally.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: health
public health
Identifying topics, prioritising and commissioning
Designing research
Undertaking research
Analysing and interpreting
Writing up and disseminating
impact on funding/commissioning
impact on research
impact on implementation and change
impact of public involvement
journal article
Implementation and change

Date Entered: 2014/08/19

Date Edited: 2014/08/19

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