Putting it into Practice


Title: Interprofessional learning in primary care: An exploration of the service user experience leads to a new model for co-learning
Author: Worswick, L., Little, C., Ryan, K. and Carr, E.
Date Published: 2014
Reference: Nurse Education Today doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2014.05.007. [Epub ahead of print]
Are service users or carers authors: No/Not Known

Abstract: The article reports on the experience of service users who took part in a primary care project to improve the care of people with back pain. Service users attended workshops with practice teams and then helped them with small-scale quality improvement projects. Health professionals and service users were therefore learning together to understand each other’s experiences and to co-develop new models of care. Semi-structured interviews with the service users identified the factors which helped them to be effective. These included: • clarity about their role and expectations of their involvement, particularly during recruitment • preparation for involvement – making time for team discussion early on • ongoing support • good communication • opportunities for influencing change. The authors have used these findings to develop a model for co-learning that may be useful to other projects.

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Related entry: none currently available

Categories: journal article
service users and carers
relevant to all service users
lessons from direct experience of involvement
implementation and change
recruiting people to be actively involved in research
training and supporting researchers

Date Entered: 2014/08/19

Date Edited: 2014/08/19

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